Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hello and welcome to my second post!!!! Don't worry I'll become more creative with my title as I go along..............

What I want to talk about tonight is pretty much how my mobile photographer day went.
Not the money maker day!!!! One thing you should know now is that I don't mix my work with my passion. And I don't talk about it.

Since my money maker takes at least 8 hours or more a day!!!! That's too much to my opinion!!!!! Then I have 1 hour at lunch time.
I often skip food!!! What do I choose?...... Photowalking myself in the work hood and starve to death, or eat, get fat and bore myself to death?..... Well you know what I do: I photowalk myself.
I explore every single street, alley, bridge, avenue, watch the people and their behaviors.................

So today I've been very very bad................... want to know why?
Well lets start with lunch time: as I was photowalking meself I stubbled upon this cute little park: Greenacre Park on E51st between 2nd and 3rd Avenue. Right at the entrance there is this huge sign that says:DO NOT TAKE PICTURES.
Helllooooooo! Do you know what that means to me: it means: PLEASE TAKE LOOOOOOTS OF PICTURES. 
By looking at the "park police" I know they were not born yesterday and that they were not playing. So I made sure my I-phone was ready to go and I put my A game on. The park is super cute, lot's of lunch office people, I recommand.
After taking plenty Of pictures with my spy expertise I decided to go towards the amazing waterfall. That's when I decided that I wanted a great shot of it and pulled my phone in full site...... It took about 2 seconds before the park police approached me and stoped me. Of course I answer with my biggest smile and innocent accent, "Oh! I'm zo zorrry!" and left. I have the feeling they were watching me, did they know? It might have been my outfit!!! That's it! it is the outfit!!!! 

And then there is when the after money maker is out of my way: I have roughly 2 hours before the gym, so i photowalk myself in different parts of the city.
Today's goal was to take more shots of the Chrysler Building to complete my series. I want a shot from up high......
So what do I do? I go in the little cute 15 story hotel, acted like I stayed there and ended on the roof top, no Chrysler Building but I got myself some great shots from the cityscape around .
I kept on going aroung the CB to shoot it at different dimentions, angles and light. I was very happy with what I saw.... I still havent gone thru the 150 shots I got today. But I know i got good ones i can't wait to share with you.

On that: best to you friends,


1 comment:

Sandra said...

hWhen you click on it, Wouaou!! I love the feeling, the light... GREAT JOB.