Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hello friends!

For this post I have chosen to talked to you about the series I'm posting in Instagram.
If you've been following me for quite some time you know that I always post my photography in series.
Always a particular subject, a particular topic.
Sounds pretty organised, right?! Well 3 things:
  1. Don't get fooled by that!!!
  2. "Organized" sounds horrible and soooooo non artistic!!!!
  3.  I got to explain this to you.......
Let's start when it all came to life:
I remember my first serie (Oh yes! I must explain the 'SERIE' spelling while I'm at it: I can't help myself but to write it in French!!!! Ho la!la!....... that's it!!!)

So the 1st serie I posted was about YELLOW, everything yellow, just yellow...........
And then I carried on with blue.......... red.......... green.............. and more.
But what is essential about the rainbow and what came afterwards is that I never stuck to a particular style.
As I became free with my photography, I searched myself as a photographer.
I knew this was a  flourishing passion, and all that mattered to me (and still does) is to become better and  to discover the photographer.

Basically once a subject is chosen I am able to shot in many different styles: street, cityscape, art, architecture, B&W, color etc...... I'm able to touch many techniques and try different things. Therefor get better. (you'll be the judge of that!)

Now! How do I choose which serie?
Usually It all happens with ONE shot. THE shot that inspires me....... And the creative flow does the rest.
I'm not seeking desperately the next photo, but I do believe that knowing the direction channels the creativity. It always seems that Goddess Creativity puts it on a tray for me to see, the right time, the right place, the right light....

Usually once I have chosen the Serie I already have a few shots in the box (2,3, 4 or more). Many don't make the cut, as I am blessed by Goddess Creativity that feeds me with what I need.

Then I decide on what I think is a clever title. And I'm ready to rock and roll for my pleasure and yours I hope. Important thing here: I wrote 'my pleasure' because I think self satisfaction is super important to an artist. Being mega critical about my work pushes me to be better.

So I hear you ask: what's the next Serie? Well I don't know yet. I have a couple of ideas, a few shots in the box. Certainly very undecided at the time.
But I have an advice: stay tuned you'll find out soon....... ;-)

Now let me show you some mobile photography: some from the current Serie, some not, some that might....

 Peace Love and Photography,