Monday, October 10, 2011


Hello Friends,

So the questions is BLACK? WHITE? COLORS?

For me it's really a matter of mood........................ not necessarily MY mood (which sometimes it is!),
but mostly Ze mood of the photograph. Ze atmosphere. Ze ambiance!

I also got my periods (People!!!!!! get your mind out of the gutters!!!!!), what I want to say is I have my moments, you know Picasso...........

Sometimes all I see is colors and sometimes all I see is Black and White and all the tones in between.

I certainly started mostly showing pictures in colors, lots of colors. I wanted to see the world happy, gay, delicious...................
And then I started the evolution of me the photographer (an ongoing evolution).

I began to be more selective on what I was seeing and presenting.
I needed to experiment.
And also my subjects became more conducive to Black and White.
Just like I said it has been an evolution.
I wanted to show emotions, feelings, and for me Black and White was really the answer.
Don't get me wrong that doesn't mean you can't achieve that with colors, by all means you can.

Please don't ask me what I prefer, I won't tell you!!!!

I certainly can confirm that I have been working more with B&W lately, and I seemed not to have gone easily away from it. I don't plan it anyways......... even if from time to time I have a few shots in colors............

....and many more words to express what BLACK AND WHITE

Peace Love and Photography


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