Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Thank you so much first to my 2 first followers.  It's well appreciated.

I will not disappoint you and by all means feel free to let me know if there is anything you want me to tackle. It will be great to have this blog more interactive.

This is just my 3rd post. So today I have a great topic: WHEN DID I BECAME A MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHER?
Not too long ago. The exact date I won't be able to tell you, but I could guestimate it around 4 years ago when I got my first I-phone.

HOW DID IT ALL STARTED? Very easely, just by pooling my I-phone and snaping pictures when i needed to,it was always ready and the pictures came out pretty good surprising! I always had a camera in my manbag (oh yes this is New York, most of the dudes have manbags, the accessory of choice!!!! and I'm not talking backpack!!!! no!no!no!).
I started to collect pictures for myself and create galleries in my computerr.
The most popular kind of shots at the bigining were of  the subway and in the streets. Sometimes people. AAHH! the people of New York!
And then I kind of let go my digital camera. I ever did any editing, at the time I was not concerned to share the shots with noone.

You know when you go on vacation you always bring you camera, well in 02/2010 I was in Hong Kong vacatoning, i was on the sky car that took us to see the Big Buddha. This was  really when it all started. My camera broke, so my best alterntive was my i-phone. Even when my camera was fixed i used my phone always. And I still do.

One day i stubbled upon Instagram (12/03).I was super exited: finaly a platform to share my photography. That's all I wanted: sharing what I was seeing.  And the rest is history in the making of me......

This has really changed my life. Some might call it adiction (and understand why!!!!). I call it passion. I have welcomed  the change...........

Tomorrow I have something special to tell you.....
I can't wait.....

Peace Love and Photography

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