Monday, September 12, 2011


Hello People and welcome to my blog.
As the tittle mentions, this is my first post, my first blog. YEAAAAAAH!

So where do I begin?
The start of my mobile photography experience?
Sounds pretty much what I was going to do, what I should do. But guess what? I just changed my mind. I'll have time to go down memory lane later....

How about something more now? Something more current?
Yep! that's it!

So let me talk about this new series I just started today. What's the title again? (hold on ,let me get my must know I have slight difficulty remembering names and my age, I'm 26 this year, just like last year, just like next year!) 
BACK!!! So it is "THE BUILDING KING KONG MISSED!" It's all about The Chrysler Building. Or I should say the gorgeous Chrysler Building. An art deco gem.

Do you know how many times I tried to go up there knowing it's not open to public? I tried the lost tourist with the strong french accent, I tried the super cool dude (Well I guess that's me!!!!!), try to joke with the guards, the list goes on and on... Now forget it! they know me! The only thing left for me is to steal a few shots in the lobby and stairs. I know you are not supposed to!

So let me take this hot minute to let you know that I gladly accept any invitations if you were to have some connections to get into that building or any one in Manhattan for that effect.. Clear? Great! Let's move on.............

About this series: I have chosen a very specific mood that an homemade filter helps me create. (Really it's mix between different ones) . 
I have done so many series, with a very specific topic or subject. Now I'm pushing my boundaries to create a collection that is super consistent.
My series have become a fashion show, from the first shot that gives the moods and the trend to the last one that closes the show. You are saying dramatic? You got that right!!!

At the end of the day for me is that: am I pleased? Am I happy with what I'm showing? Self satisfaction is essential my friends...

Don't we all like the "likes" and "comments"? Of course we do. I do. But what I like most is when I see the final shot all pretty in it's new format, with it's new lighting and new colors....... And each time after that is: the next one got to be better....... That's how I grow as a mobile photographer.
My hope is that now I'm not as good as tomorrow..........

My friends, It's been a pleasure

A bientot,

Peace Love and Photography


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